Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Look who can Wake Board!

This past weekend was fabulous.  I seem to have a lot of these lately - I'm a very lucky lady.

Friday night was spend just hanging out around the house with a nice dinner and a movie. Nothing can beat that after a long, stressful weekend.

Saturday was a lazy day - another perfect way to get over a hard week.  Saturday night we went to a friend's house for a BBQ and met a new couple.  It's always so nice to meet new people, especially when they are loads of fun.  Then we headed over to Yoforia for some froyo and then to The Family Dog, a new bar in the Highlands.  We weren't long at the bar and then headed back home to get ready for our big day Sunday.

Sunday was boat day with Kristen and Daniel!  Mabel joined us for our adventure and she definitely added some laughs to the trip.  It was her first time on a boat and she was NOT happy when we'd anchor the boat and float in the water, away from the boat.  Mabel isn't a barker but Sunday she let us know how pissed off she was.  Then there is the issue with bathroom breaks.  About 3 hours into the trip Mabel gave me the look that I've seen before, the "it's time to go to the bathroom RIGHT now" look so off to shore she and I went.

The most exciting part of Sunday was wake boarding.  I don't have any pictures, silly me, but Stephen learned to wake board!!  I gave it a couple shots, but gave up after 5 wipeouts.  Stephen didn't give up.  He was in the water for over an hour getting beat up every time he fell.  Then he got it.  All of a sudden he wasn't falling anymore.  Kristen and I cheered so loud when he got it.  I haven't seen him smile like that... ever.  He even went to sleep smiling Sunday night.

One day I'll get up on the wake board... one day.  Give me a set of skis and I'll show you how it's done.

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