I set at goal for myself that I was going to read 12 books in 2012. I'm not doing too hot. I'm at 4. I'm not going to be too hard on myself, I did plan a wedding in 4 months and it's still only September. I can get close to 12 by the end of the year, as long as I don't pick up another 1000 page book like,
Gone With the Wind or one of the Game of Thrones books. Smaller books for the rest of the year.
On our Honeymoon I read a hilarious book by
Mindy Kaling, Kelly Kapoor and also a writer for The Office. I'll review that book next, but while Gone Girl is fresh in my mind, I want to talk about it.
Source: Amazon. I bought the book on my Kindle (LOVE) so I can't take my own picture of the cover for you. |
Let's get to it:
Gone Girl: A Novel by Gillian Flynn. You can click
here if you want to read Amazon's review of the book.
Warning: this review will include some spoilers. If you haven't read the book, please stop reading now. The book is full of twists and turns and I'd hate to ruin it for anyone.
The book is told by two different people, Nick and Amy, husband and wife, in alternating chapters. In the first part of the book we are reading Amy's diary that goes back to when she met Nick and Nick's point of view is told in present day, beginning with their 5th wedding anniversary. With Nick's story we learn that Amy has gone missing the morning of their anniversary. Nick doesn't have an alibi and the investigation immediately starts to focus on him. What frustrated me was that Nick never said, even when we were in his thoughts, that he didn't kill Amy. Come on man, but that's just a way Gillian Flynn kept us guessing. We also learn that he's been cheating on Amy for over a year with a 23-year-old student of his. This pissed me off even more! Each Amy and Nick like to think back to when they first met and how great their marriage was to one another and I hate that even with something so great, Nick was driven to cheat. Andie, the young home wrecker, can't stand being away from Nick, even when his wife is missing, and nearly ruins things when she stops by his house for a romp. She bothers me for so many reasons, besides that she is sleeping with a married man, she never asked Nick about Amy. Yes, they were secretly together the morning she went missing, but only for an hour.
About halfway through the book changes and now we're hearing from Amy, present day. Yes, she's alive. She's a psycho bitch and control freak and loves the spotlight. We learn right away from her that she's set Nick up for her murder and has been planning his demise for over a year. WTF lady! Any woman who could write a 7 year diary, while fact checking, just to make the cops believe your husband killed you is a psycho. Her ultimate plan to get away from Nick is foiled by some thieves and she's forced to call a friend to help hide her. When this doesn't go as she had planned, she changes her mind, kills him and then returns home claiming "kidnapping." Man, no wonder Nick fell out of love with his wife.
The end of the book left me feeling so bad for Nick, but at the same time not pitying him at all. Amy was such a conniving bitch that she had all of his escape routes blocked and she was forcing him to live as her happy, loving husband, because that's what she wanted. She didn't want him to leave her and to make sure he never did, she got pregnant using a sperm donation that Nick had made years before. He was trapped in the marriage as long as he ever wanted to see the baby.
The story was so far out there, I wonder if anything in real life has ever come close. It makes me think for an extra second about all the wife killers that seem to pop up on the cable news channels these days.
Overall, I loved the book. It angered me, I hated most of the characters and I hated how quickly their marriage fell apart, but I loved the twists and turns and the writing. I'll definitely recommend this to my friends. There is some bad language and some graphic descriptions that some people may not appreciate, but it wasn't enough to bother me.