Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crock Pot Challenge Meal #8: Buffalo Chicken

Our Meal #8 night was exactly what I thought our crock pot nights would be.  Dinner was ready an hour after we got home from work so we had time to go for a two-mile run with Goose.  Mabel is feeling under the weather so she got to stay home and relax.  When we got home we sat down for dinner and popped in a movie, Ides of March.  We haven't done that in months.

After dinner was done, I cleaned the kitchen, checked on what I'd need to do for the following morning's meal and then we watched two episodes of Season 6 of Dexter.  Crock pot cooking finally paid off and we got to relax and run after work.  

Yesterday while at work our crock pot was cooking Buffalo Chicken from the Chef in Training blog.  The recipe was super simple and was just three ingredients into the slow cooker in the morning.  For dinner we toasted some bread and sprinkled some shredded cheddar cheese on top of the chicken and there you go - dinner!   We have a ton of chicken left over, so I see a few sandwiches in our future.  

The Buffalo Chicken was great, but I wish we had had some bleu cheese on hand.  Somehow that was left off the grocery list.  It's a healthy meal that we'll definitely make again, it's a Keeper.  The chicken was a little too juicy for us, but there are ways we'll try to reduce some of the liquid next time.  It would be a great way to server sandwiches at a house party.  I didn't take any pictures, I was too busy relaxing but if you go to the recipe's site, that's exactly how ours looked.   

We're nearing the end of the two weeks and everything has run smoothly.  We've come across some recipes that we can't wait to have again and a few that we'd like to throw away and others we need to tweak before we share with dinner guests.  I have a business trip tomorrow and I won't be home until after Stephen gets home from work.  It will be nice to start dinner in the morning and know that he's going to have food when he's home from work.  

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