Monday, May 9, 2011

Farmer's Market and Babies

This past weekend was a quiet one - the last quiet weekend until mid-July.  I wanted to enjoy it to it's fullest.  It stresses me out to think about all of the trips, events and weddings that I have coming up, but they are all going to be fantastic.  I have to take one week at a time.

If you live in Atlanta and haven't been to RiRa for dinner, DO IT.  I didn't know what to expect, I thought it would be boring bar food but it was awesome!  I got a chicken sandwich and it came with sweet potato tater tots.  WHAT?!  SO GOOD.

This past weekend was the start of a few big weekend events at Piedmont Park - the first week of the Farmer's Market and the start of the Sunday evening live music at Park Tavern.  The Farmer's Market runs every Saturday morning from 9am-1pm until December!  I'm so excited.  I took a walk up with Stephen and Mabel to see what the local farmers had to offer.  I was so impressed, I'm sad I didn't take any pictures.  We ended up buying some squash, tomatoes and red potatoes.  I can't wait to eat the fresh produce.  There was also a guy selling beef.  We didn't get any this week, but I have a feeling I'll be planning meals around what I can get on Saturday mornings from now on.  Mabel enjoyed seeing all of the other dogs and a nice Saturday morning stroll through the park is exactly what I needed.

Saturday evening I got to babysit for my favorite little one, Peyton. If you've been reading for a few months, she is the baby that traveled with us on our ski trip.  She's now 10 months old and can stand by her self for a few seconds.  I can't believe how fast she's growing up.

You can sort of see all of her toys around her in the background of the picture, but she was completely occupied for close to an hour with my iphone case.  Ahhh, the little things.  Look at those cheeks!!!! 

Sunday I attended the baptism of my other good friend's little girl, Anna Grace.  It was so pretty and Anna was great during the entire service.  She just learned how to blow raspberries, so that's what she did most of the time.  How can you not laugh at a baby spitting, especially at church!  So cute.  Later I offered to hold Anna so her mom could finish her dessert and she passed out in my arms.  I guess I have "the touch" - every family member told me so.  :)

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